By Yogendra
First publised on 2020-12-31 02:50:25
When social awareness campaign is merged with product promotion, companies and advertising agencies can come up with great copy. Nestle has advertised its Nestle Gold brand of coffee in a highly innovative way during these festive times.
It is not a secret that many people drive after drinking above the permissible limit after attending Christmas and New Year parties all over the world. It is the same in India. We have the "Don't drink and drive" campaign unleashed at this time by various agencies, including the police.
But Nestle has come out with a print advertisement that seamlessly blends (like the coffee it makes) the product with the message. The lead picture shows how the message is in your face in bold, with the product plugging in smaller type below that.
At first glance, you will read "Don't Drink & Drive". But the actual message says "Don't settle for just any coffee, drink something special and let it drive the moment". This is excellent word play which achieves what the ad wants to.
This is one of the better examples of merging social responsibility with product promotion.