Prisma is the New Craze to Transform Photos
The newest app which has made the 'Pokèmon Go' fever come down by a few notches within days of hitting the Google Play store is the Prisma photo app. The name of the app originated from 'prism' - just like a prism breaks a white light ray into seven pretty spectrums, this app too,brings out the best of an image in the most artistic way possible, using various custom filters. The Prisma craze broke out on the iOS platform and recently it has entered into lives of Android users too.By Sayonii Ghoshal
First publised on 2016-08-02 09:33:42
This Russian app has already had 8 million downloads. It has 1.5 million active, daily users. The Next Web magazine has commented that this mind-boggling photo app makes Instagrams filters look so lame. From Taylor Swift to famous Bollywood faces - everyone has undergone this virtual makeover leaving the social media overflowing with 'Prisma' stamped pictures.
No matter how many times we stop by a mirror - be it the one in our dressing room or the rolled up car windows that we pass by during the hustle-bustle moments, the charm of a painted avatar of ourselves will never fade away. However, all of us are not as lucky as 'Rose' from 'Titanic' to have a close one who will portray us investing their whole-hearted effort and time and this is when Prisma comes to the rescue quenching our aesthetic thirst by injecting arty effects into our otherwise normally captured pictures. Prisma provides an array of art filters to choose from - if you are craving for a water-coloured look, then 'Tears' is worth taking for a spin and if your wish is to make a monochrome-masterpiece out of your click, then 'Heisenberg' should be your pick. Unlike 'Pokèmon Go' the Prisma app has managed to involve people belonging to almost all age groups as the end result is a visual treat for all eyes.
The only con, if one can call it that, of this app as of now is that due to massive usage all over the world, it works a bit slow at times and even forces the user to hit the 'close now' option sometimes, but this bug is expected to be fixed soon. As the pros outweigh the cons, the ongoing Prisma craze is set to linger and captivate users, till another app drops by with a set of better features.
Download Prisma here