By A Special Correspondent
First publised on 2021-12-28 07:15:09
Scientists at the US National Institute of Health have carried out the most comprehensive and detailed study of the coronavirus' distribution and persistence in the human body. Their analysis shows that the virus can spread very fast to the heart, the brain and almost every other organ of the human body within days of the infection and persist there for months. The findings confirmed that the virus can replicate in the human cells and reach other organs and does not affect only the respiratory tract.
These findings explain why people who have been infected with the virus keep complaining about some symptoms that do not go away for months. The long Covid sufferers are increasing in numbers and conventional treatment is not bringing relief to them as they are still suffering from the devastation caused by the distribution and persistence of the coronavirus in their bodies.
The results of this study should now lead medical experts to examine how to treat these patients. Although many patients infected with Covid have complained of respiratory problems, including whooping cough, long after they tested negative, some have also complained about ailments that were not there before they got infected. These ailments relate to many other organs in the body.
Hence, it is now necessary for pharmaceutical researchers to take this study as the base and find out what other medicines, apart from those usually prescribed for ailments of the organs, can be used to treat such patients who are suffering the adverse effects of the entering of the coronavirus in their organs. This must be taken up on priority basis as one can never know what other adverse affect, including organ failure, can be caused by the persistence of the virus in the organs.
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