By admin
First publised on 2023-02-24 03:43:04
People are talking about a video by Pakistani YouTuber Sana Amzad in which a man is seen singing praises of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for running the country well and keeping prices under control in contrast to Pakistan where runaway inflation due to disastrous economic policies has forced people to buy petrol at around Rs 300 per litre and cooking gas in black. The man wishes partition had never taken place and says Pakistanis need a leader like Modi.
People say that our neighbour has become a defaulter and is looking for a relief package from IMF. They say that due to its support for terrorism and terrorist group, widespread corruption and unstable political scenario where the army calls the shots, Pakistan has ruined itself. People say that as long as Pakistan continues to support terrorists and conducts a proxy war against India it will not be able to develop its country. They say that its friendship with China has not yielded any positive economic results and Pakistanis are now in huge trouble.
Picture & video courtesy: @SanaAmzad/YouTube