By Yogendra
First publised on 2022-02-14 01:47:51
Raktanchal fans will remember that Vijay Singh (Kranti Prakash Jha) was shot and he fell into the river. Now he is back and Raktanchal 2 takes off from there. Vijay was saved by the wily politician Ramanand Rai (Ahish Vidyarthi) who kept him hidden for four years. He was presumed dead and police records said so. But when a lucrative opportunity came Rai's way, he deputed Vijay to carry out a hit job in Mumbai. Unfortunately, ACP Himanshu (Karan Patel) gets to know from a dying gangster that it was indeed Vijay Singh who carried out the killings in the SG Hospital.
Although UP police informs him that Vijay Singh is dead, Himanshu says "a dying man doesn't lie" and convinces his superiors to allow him to find Vijay and bring him back. Thus begins a trail which leads ACP Himanshu to the political game being played in the raktanchal of India where nothing acts as a barrier. A politician kills his own brother and sister-in-law when his misdeeds are about to be exposed and keeps another brother as keeper of his cows. Another politician, Saraswati Devi (Mahie Gill) has a complete hold over the chief minister whom she slow-poisons to death. The twists and turns, which make Waseem Khan (Nikitin Dheer), Vijay's sworn enemy, the home minister and which make for several affiliations between Saraswati and Waseem, Saraswati and Ramanand and also Ramanand and Waseem to keep the viewer guessing. Through all this, Vijay is used as a pawn.
Raktanchal 2 has many side stories and the one involving Sanki (Vikram Kochhar) is unnecessarily stretched. When Vijay gets to know Ramanand's truth, he kills him. Later, when Vijay wants to surrender to Himanshu, the UP police get to know and want to eliminate him. Do they succeed? Or does Vijay once again escape to live another day and carry on with the mayhem?
Kranti Prakash Jha as Vijay carries on from where he left in the first season but the fire is subdued now. He has become practical and his love for Roli culminates in marriage. Nikitin Dheer is good as Waseem Khan and so is Karan Patel as ACP Himanshu. Asish Vidyarthi does a good job as the unscrupulous and wily Ramanand Rai. Mahie Gill as Saraswati has enough footage but fails to impress. The political game, though interesting, does take away from the intensity of the first season but this season has a flavor of its own and moves at a good pace to keep the viewer interested.